
  • Bid1
  • Budget $100.00
  • Average Bid $75.00
  • Location IN-Benton

Posted on March 8, 2018


Project Desciption

I need someone to create an After Effects video for this site (www.EduLabor) aimed at companies.  The video needs to communicate that EduLabor provides companies with access to affordable/competent college students who are available for local work.

The video should emphasize the following attributes about the site:

  1. Affordable: Expand your local business and lower cost
  2. Money Back Guarantee: Eliminates risk . If students don’t deliver, business don’t pay
  3. Local: Accountable workers that understand the local culture/environment
  4. Free: No cost to business for posting project.

Think of something along these lines:

  • Fade up from Black
  • “Would you like to expand your business or lower your costs by hiring affordable local students for short-term contract work?”
  • “EduLabor lets you (1) post projects and students then bid competitively.  You only pay if they deliver.
  • “It is free to use, etc.”
  • etc.
  • Dissolve to EduLabor Logo (provided)

To make the work faster/easier, I will purchase an After Effects stock-project that you can modify and stock audio elements from and  I would expect you to come up with the concept, select/modify an appropriate template, etc.


  • Completed After Effects Project
  • Rendered Video (1080p) as Uncompressed

This is a good project for a beginning video student looking to put a real client on their reel. When people ask if you have done any video/animation work beyond classwork, you can point them at the site and say “That business paid me to do their work. I have worked professionally.” 🙂

Skills Required

After Effects


Art and Graphics

Employer Information

16 project(s) posted hire 2 freelancers
Member since: April 11, 2017

Jacqueline Malayter

Graphic Artist

2 year(s) experience

1 project(s) worked


in 10 days

Hopefully won’t take the full week and a half. How long is the video time slot?